Do you know your vitamin D level? The motto of the first Salzburg-wide Vitamin D Action Week is: Check instead of guess!

I was brought on board by the Agentur Knauseders to develop an appropriate key visual for „THE lighthouse project of the Salzburg pharmacists this year“ (quote from Mag. pharm. Margarete Olesko, President of the Apothekerkammer Salzburg).

It was a huge pleasure for me to read up on the topic, tinker with the details, and design something in a team that draws Salzburgers into the pharmacies.

After the campaign was a huge success, the action week was spontaneously extended by another week.


  • Illustration
  • Papercraft


Salzburger Apothekenkammer

Meine Aufgaben

  • Idee
  • Art Direction
  • Papercraft

In Kooperation mit

Christina Knauseder-Csipek
Roland Knauseder
